The Meaning of Sacrifice

A group of volunteers from a partner ministry organization came to help us distribute brochures during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.

Since the holiday celebrates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, we chose to hand out brochures which were specially printed to explain to Muslims the true meaning of sacrifice. In the Muslim tradition, the story of Abraham and his son is included (with some changes, including the identity of the son), but the meaning of sacrifice is not very well explained. These brochures explain the Biblical understanding of sacrifice, and the fact that the great sacrifice, the Lamb of God, has already been offered.

As I was handing out brochures, one man told me that the Muslims would never accept that Jesus is the great sacrifice. He told me that he is a Christian (at least in name) living in the country, and that he knows and sees all that goes on around him. He told me that what we are doing is good, but that it won’t bear any fruit.

I find it sad, that though he professes to be a Christian, this man doesn’t believe in the power of God to change the hearts of Muslims. What could stop the same Jesus who rose from the dead and walked on water from changing the hearts of those he loves?

As I approached one truck, I noticed that the driver’s hands were splattered with dried blood. After handing him the brochure on “Jesus, the great sacrifice,” I noticed a quite recently slaughtered lamb lying on its side in the back of the truck. What a fitting brochure for that man, at that time!

Please pray that these brochures will cut to the heart of these “beloved Muslims,” as the brochure addresses them on the front. As Revelation 5:9 tells us, “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.” I believe this “every tribe” includes many who will come to faith in Jesus from the Muslim peoples of the world.

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