Areas of Outreach: Where and to Whom We are Ministering

Sometimes The White Harvest works alone within the areas of outreach listed below, sometimes we work alongside of other local believers and/organizations, and sometimes we incorporate international volunteers in our work.  With regard to actually ministering within these cities and villages, sometimes we knock on doors, sometimes we visit shopping areas, and sometimes we stand at intersections/junctions.

The White Harvest is doing our best to systematically reach the people of these cities so that all will have an opportunity to hear the Gospel message, but we also engage in spontaneous outreach whenever possible; hopefully we are allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us in both strategies.


We are currently ministering in the cities of Carmiel, Haifa, Nazareth (above photo), Tiberias and Tel Aviv.


We are currently ministering in many villages in Northern Israel, but we are unable to list the names of these villages.

Refugees and Foreign Workers

The White Harvest distributes clothing and literature to African refugees who live near a park in downtown Tel Aviv, as well as distributing literature to the many foreign workers from the Philippines, Nigeria, Ghana, Thailand, India, Nepal, Romania, Ecuador, etc.  The White Harvest has found, and continues to find Bibles and other printed materials that explain the Gospel message in the various languages of these people.

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