Full Circle : Fruit comes after five years

Five years ago, Bishara took a missions team of young people to a nearby Muslim village in order to walk, pray, and hand out Christian literature. He noticed that this particular team was very spirit-filled and courageous, so he was excited to see what God would do through their time in the village.

This town is basically one long street running up a hill, with houses on both sides. They split into two groups and started walking up the hill, each group covering one side of the street.

As he was walking with his half of the group, Bishara received a phone call from some very angry people in the village who threatened to kill him and told him that they were holding the rest of his team hostage until he came and got them. He was in a terrible predicament. The man on the phone sounded serious about killing him, but the only way to get the rest of the team back was to go to them.

Bishara ran to the car with his half of the team and began driving back up the hill, looking for the others. No matter how hard he looked, he was unable to find the team or the angry people.

After several tense minutes, the other half of the team called Bishara, informing him that they had run away and were near the bottom of the hill. He encouraged them to keep running, and he sped up to collect them before leaving the village.

Now fast forward five years.

A few days ago, Bishara received a call from a Muslim man who wanted a copy of the Bible. Bishara arranged to meet him in a discreet location, and they had a chance to chat over coffee for nearly 30 minutes.

During the course of the conversation, the man revealed that he is originally from the same village that Bishara had gone to with this team. This team had prayed in and for that village, and God had answered those prayers, five years later!

This young man had been living in America, and had apparently been struck by how different the people in America behave. His question was: “Why are they so much better than us?”

Apparently, he is beginning to think it might have something to do with the influence of Christianity, so he asked Bishara for a Bible so that he could search further. Please pray that he will find the truth he is seeking in the man, Christ Jesus.

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